Closing doors, opening doors . . .

17 Mar

We have been questioned concerning our reasoning for leaving Hebrew Nation Radio. It has been surmised by some that we have just become tired or ‘burned out’ as it were, and perhaps in need of a change. Although it was a difficult decision to make, none of these are the reason we have stepped away from the radio outreach. After decades of ministry, Rhonda and I have learned this truth – if we, in all our frailty and humanity, are faithful to His call, then, as one door is closed, our Father will open another.
Hebrew Nation Radio, like any group, is made up of people . . . good people . . . people from a multitude of backgrounds and ‘upbringings’ . . . different cultural backgrounds, different socio-economic, political as well as doctrinal backgrounds. And it is not necessary for us all to agree on everything to ‘get along’. Rhonda and I have enjoyed, for over two years, the opportunity to share the truth of God’s Word by the outreach of Hebrew Nation Radio, and we say ‘thank you’ to all those we have come to know and who have assisted us during that time.
We will still be available, as time permits, to travel and teach. And, as our Father opens new doors and new venues through which to minister and disciple, we will continue to teach based on the fundamental Scriptural pillars that we have come to understand are not negotiable and cannot be compromised. The preeminence and exclusivity of Jesus/Yeshua of Nazareth as The Promised Messiah, along with His Words, mandates and directives, are just a few of those non-negotiable pillars. He is more than merely an anointed man, priest, king or prophet. He Is the Dividing Plumb Line for all time and for all humanity. He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. He is the One who, with full knowledge and understanding of what was to come, willingly went to the cross for me; was beaten more than any man and marred beyond recognition; they plucked the beard from His face. Yeshua willingly endured unimaginable pain, suffering and torment, and He did it for me and for all who would believe. For no one comes to The Father, but by Him. Shalom

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Posted by on March 17, 2017 in Uncategorized


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